This page is a local portal of «Wikipedia:Calendar» meta-project.

This page brings together templates for the Kaleandar of historic and memorable events of the current month that illustrate Main Page of Wikipedia in Davvisámegiella (Davvisámegiel Wikipedia).

Templates by months rievdat

Ođđajagimánnu * Guovvamánnu * Njukčamánnu * Cuoŋománnu * Miessemánnu * Geassemánnu * Suoidnemánnu * Borgemánnu * Čakčamánnu * Golggotmánnu * Skábmamánnu * Juovlamánnu

Current month rievdat

  Wiki-kaleandar: cuoŋománnu

  Čoahkkáigeassu cuoŋománu 25. b.

Riegádeamit cuoŋománu

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