Mari Boine
Mari Boine | |
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Riegádan | skábmamánu 8. beaivvi 1956:s[1][2] (68) |
Čearddalašvuohta | davvisápmelaččat[d] |
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Ámmát | lávlu, lávlladahkki ja jietnaneavttár |
Giella | davvisámegiella, dárogiella ja eaŋgalsgiella |
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Mari Boine Persen (r. skábmamánu 8. b. 1956 Gámehisnjárga Kárášjohka) lea Norgga sápmelaš musihkkár, gii lasiha jazz- ja rockmusihka sápmelaččaid árbevirolaš musihkkii.

rievdatSon váccii joatkkaskuvlla Kárášjogas ja oahpaheaddjioahpu Álaheajus 1970-logus. Geassit 1986 mearridii son heaitit oahpaheaddjibarggus ja álgit ollesáigásaš musihkkárin. [4] Ovttas Svein Schultzain son rahkadii musihka Nils Gaupa filbmii Guovdageainnu stuimmiid birra[5][6], mii ilbmái ođđajagimánu 18. beaivve jagis 2008.[7]
rievdatJagi 2003 Boine vuittii Davviriikalaš ráđi musihkkabálkkašumi[8][9]
Čakčamánu 28. b. 2009 Boines bođii Norgga gonagasa 1. luohká riddár, go son oaččui St. Olavs Orden -árvomearkka "su máŋggabealat dáiddalaš bargguid ovddas".[10][11]
Mari Boine joavku
rievdat- Svein Schultz – bássa.
- Georg Buljo – gitarra.
- Ole Jorn Myklebust – trumpeahtta, xaphoon.
- Gunnar Augland – drummat, percussion.
rievdat- Alva (2024)
- Pitáh
- Die dien luohkkái
- Dánsso fal mu váhkaran
- Olamuttos letne ain
- Oidnojuvvon
- Mu eadni
- Várjalivččet min vuolláneames
- Mieđušteapmi
- Anárjoh’gáttis
- Oainnestan
- Vuoi beaivi don eallima addi
- Áhkánsuolu
- Rohkos
- Lean dás (oovtâst Ella Mariein)
- See the Woman (2017)
- Today starts now
- Chasing myself into reality
- See the woman
- Some sai I got Devil
- Happily ever after
- 2-4-6-7-8-9 in one
- Yes
- Teepee rom
- This is my heart
- Twin soul
- Adine & Isak - My treasures
- Crowded streets of blue
- Gilve gollát – Sow Your Gold (2013)
- Live album, Mari Boine featuring Norwegian Radio Orchestra
- Trilobihta lávlla (Song from a trilobite)
- Gula Gula (Hear the voices of the foremothers)
- Goaskinviellja (Eaglebrother)
- Dutnje (To you)
- Jearrat biekkas (To ask the wind)
- Boađan nuppi bealde (I come from the other side)
- Beaivelottáš (Butterfly)
- Elle
- Mu váibmu vádjul doppe (Hymn)
- Gilvve gollát (Sow your gold)
- Alla Hearrá guhkkin Osllos – Høye Herre langt der nede i Oslo
- Lene Májjá
- Ipmiliin hálešteapmi (Conversation with God)
- Soagŋosilbbat (Courting Jewellery)
- Soria Moria Palássa (Soria Moria Palace)
- Čuovgga áirras (Sterna Paradisea)
- Claudiinna lávlla (Claudine's Song)
- Skealbma (The Mischievous)
- Iđitveiggodettin (Dawn)
- De mana, ráhkásan (For My Daughter)
- Lihkahusat (Entranced)
- Go idja nuossala (When Night Is Almost Done)
- Kautokeino-opprøret (2008)
Soundtrack from the film Kautokeino-opprøret.
- Elen Skum
- Válddi vuoigna (The Spirit of Power)
- Deaivideapmi (Confrontation)
- Doaivut ja vuoimmehuvvat (Hope and Defeat)
- Vuoi Vuoi Mu (Vuoi Vuoi Me)
- Idjagieđas (In the Hand of the Night)
- Suoivva (The Shadow)
- Gos Bat Munno Čiŋat Leat? (Where Did All Our Colours Go?)
- Mu Ustit, Eŋgeliid Sogalaš (My Friend of Angel Tribe)
- Davvi Bávttiin (On the Fells of the North)
- Lottáš (Little Bird)
- Diamántta Spáillit (Reindeer of Diamond)
- Geasuha (Irresistible)
- Áfruvvá (The Mermaid)
- Uldda Nieida (Uldda Girl)
- Big Medicine (Fápmodálkkas)
- Boađan Nuppi Bealde (I Come From The Other Side)
- Song For The Unborn (Reagákeahtes)
- Sáráhka Viina (Sáráhka's Wine)
- Guovssahasaid Ájagáttis (By The Source Of Aurora B)
- Sielu Dálkkas (Soul Medicine)
- Mu Váibmu Vádjul Doppe (Hymn)
- Butterfly (Beaivelottáš)
- Liegga Gokčas Sis' (In A Blanket Of Warmth)
- It Dieđe (You Never Know)
- Duottar Rássi (Tundra Flower)
- Silba Várjala (Let Silver Protect)
- Bottoža Dáhtun (Give Me A Break)
(Mari Boine with Inna Zhelannaya and Sergey Starostin)
- Dás Áiggun Cuožžut (Here Will I Stand)
- Pjesna Ljesorubov (Song Of The Lumberjacks)
- Korridorsangen (The Corridor Song)
- Sjestra Maja Notsj (The Night Is My Sister)
- Vozlje Tvojej Ljobvi (Near Your Love)
- Odinotsjestvo-Sestritsa (Sister Loneliness)
- Roahkkadit Rohtte Luodi, Mánázan (Joik With Pride, My Child!)
- Balada O Gorje (Ballad Of Grief)
- Eallin (Life)
- Beaivvi Nieida (Daughter Of Sun)
- Risten
- Eagle Man / Changing Woman (Girdi Olmmái / Geaidi Nissun)
- Álddagasat Ipmilat (Gods Of Nature)
- Oarjjabeal Beaivvi Ja Mánu (West Of Moon And Sun)
- Mu Váhkar Lásse (My Youngest)
- Alit Go Buot Várit (Higher Than All Mountains)
- Don It Galgan (Thou Shalt Not)
- Etno Jenny (Ethno Jenny)
(recorded live)
- Mielahisvuohta (State of Mind Where Your Intellect Is Disconnected)
- Dás Áiggun Čuožžut (Within Myself)
- Orbina (The Orphan)
- Gula Gula (Hear The Voices of the Foremothers)
- Modjás Katrin (Katrin Who Smiles)
- Eco (Echo)
- Skádja (Reverberation)
- Vuolgge Mu Mielde Bassivárrái (Come with Me to the Sacred Mountain)
- It Šat Duolmma Mu (Free)
- Dutjne (To You)
- Radiant Warmth (1996)
(Compilation from 'Goaskinviellja' and 'Leahkastin')
- Goaskinviellja (Eagle Brother)
- Ale Sat (No More)
- Cuovgi Liekkas (Radiant Warmth)
- Skádja (Reverberation)
- Cuvges Vuovttat, Duodalas Calbmi (Hair of Light, Solemn Eye)
- Modjás Kátrin (Katrin Who Smiles)
- Mielahisvuohta (Lunacy, Lunacy)
- Gilvve Gollát (Sow Your Gold)
- Gulan Du (Hearing You)
- Vuolgge Mu Mielde Bassivárrái (Come with Me to the Sacred Mountain)
- Ráhkesvuodain (Feather the World)
- Mu Ahkku (Grandma)
- Ale Ale Don (Don't Go... Not You)
- Gumppet Holvot (The Wolves Howl)
- Ále Šat (No More)
- Čuovgi Liekkas (Radiant Warmth)
- Áhččai (To My Father)
- Maid Áiggot Muinna Eallin (What Do You Want Life?)
- Mielahisvuohta (Lunacy Lunacy)
- Gilvve Gollát (Sow Your Gold)
- Gulan Du (Hearing You)
- Vuolgge Mu Mielde Bassivárrái (Come with Me to the Sacred Mountain)
- Mun Da'han Lean Oaivámuš (Just When I Had...)
- Dá Lean Mun (Here I Am)
- Čuvges Vuovttat, Duođalaš Čalbmi (Hair of Light, Solemn Eye)
- Sámi Eatnan Duoddarat (Samilands Rippling Tundra)
- Modjás Kátrin (Katrin Who Smiles)
- Dás Áiggun Čuožžut (Within Myself)
- Dolgesuorbmagežiiguin (A Feathered Touch)
- Skádja (The Reverberation)
- Goaskinviellja (Eagle Brother)
- Ráhkesvuođain (Feather the World)
- Mu Áhkku (My Grandma)
- Ále Ále Don (Don't Go... Not You)
- Gula Gula (Hear the Voices of the Foremothers)
- Vilges Suola (White Thief)
- Balu Badjel Go Vuoittán (When I Win Against Fear)
- Du Lahka (Near You)
- It Šat Duolmma Mu (Free at Last)
- Eadnán Bákti (To Woman)
- Oppskrift For Herrefolk (Recipe for a Master Race)
- Duinne (To You)
Bonus tracks on the 2003 remastered reissue:
- Oarbbis Leat
- Čuovgi Liekkas
- Gula Gula – Chilluminati Mix
- Jaskatvuođa maŋŋá / Etter stillheten / After the Silence (1985)
- 1. Alla Hearra Guhkkin Oslos
- 2. Oktavuohta
- 3. Ceavlas Galbma Garvvuid Sis(te)
- 4. Mearrasapmelazzii
- 5. Sii Navccahuhttet Mu
- 6. Idja Lea Mannan
- 7. Anuheapmi
- 8. Koffor E Det Sa Stille
- 9. Na Darvanii Jahkku *
- 10. Oainnat Go Mo Cuvggoda Dal
- * Mari Boine (first) lyrics, set to John Lennon's Working Class Hero music
Also appears on
rievdat- Nordic Woman (2012)
- Beginner's Guide to Scandinavia 3-CD set (2011)
- One World One Voice (1990)
With Jan Garbarek
- Twelve Moons (ECM, 1992)
- Visible World (ECM, 1995)
With Future Prophecies
- Warlords Rising (Beatservice Records, 2005)
Eará siidduin
rievdat- ↑
- ↑ Store norske leksikon — 1978. — ISSN 2464-1480
- ↑ LIBRIS — Ruotsin kuninkaallinen kirjasto, 2018.
- ↑ Mari Boine birra Kárášjoga gieldda siidduin
- ↑ Mari Boine: Sámi Film -diehtovuođđu sámefilmmain. Čujuhuvvon 14.07.2018.
- ↑ Hætta, Wenche Marie. Viimmat filbmamusihkka cdas 06.11.2008 d. 12:47: NRK Sápmi. Čujuhuvvon 14.07.2018.
- ↑ Filmma siiddut (dárogillii)
- ↑ Mari Boinelle Pohjoismaiden musiikkipalkinto 04.06.2003: Yle Uutiset. Čujuhuvvon 09.10.2017. (suomagillii)
- ↑ Mari Boine Skábmagovaid ávvudoaluide 17.12.2012 d. 16:19, beaividuvvon 06.05.2013 d. 15:13: YLE Sápmi. Čujuhuvvon 14.07.2018.
- ↑ St. Olavs Orden ánsomearkka oažžun 28.09.2009: Norgga gonagasviessu. Čujuhuvvon 14.07.2018.
- ↑ Ávvir: Gonagasa mearkkašupmi 29.9.2009