Wikipedia:Deháleamos Wikipedia-artihkkalat/Guhkes listu/Olbmot

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People, 1483 rievdat

Transcluded from Wikipedia:Deháleamos Wikipedia-artihkkalat/Olbmot.

Actors and Actresses, 120 rievdat

Artists / Architects, visual, 100 rievdat

Authors / Poets, 135 rievdat

Composers and musicians, 126 rievdat

Directors, producers & screenwriters, 71 rievdat

Entrepreneurs, 40 rievdat

Explorers, 30 rievdat

Performing artists, 40 rievdat

Philosophers, historians, political and social scientists, 171 rievdat

Philosophers, 84 rievdat

Ancient, 18
Middle Ages, 10
Early modern, 21
Modern, 35

Historians, 15 rievdat

Ancient, 6
Middle Ages, 1
Early modern, 2
Modern, 6

Social scientists, economists and political writers, 35 rievdat

Antiquity, 1
Middle Ages, 1
Early modern period, 3
Modern, 30

Psychologists, 37 rievdat

Religious figures, 33 rievdat

Politicians and leaders, 107 rievdat

Current political leaders, 12 rievdat

Many Wikipedias have provisions for including current heads of government in their expanded vital article list. This list suggests the heads of the G8 countries, plus China, India, the current U.N. Secretary General and the current Pope

  1. (U.N.)
  2. (Pope)
  3. (Italy)
  4. (U.K.)
  5. (Canada)
  6. (China)
  7. (Japan)
  8. (Russia)
  9. (Germany)
  10. (U.S.)
  11. (France)
  12. (India)

Revolutionaries and activists, 30 rievdat

Scientists, inventors and mathematicians, 202 rievdat

Journalists, 42 rievdat

Olympic/sports figures, 187 rievdat

Mythical and legendary people, 30 rievdat

Fictional/cartoon characters, 19 rievdat