Erohusat geavaheaddji «Jeblad/vector.js» geavaheaddjesiiddu veršuvnnaid gaskkas

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Jeblad (ságastallan | rievdadusat)
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u Maintenance: Global identifier "$j" has been deprecated mw:ResourceLoader/Migration_guide_(users)#MediaWiki_1.17
Gurgadas 24:
// Check that the toolbar is available
if ( typeof $j != 'undefined' && typeof $j.fn.wikiEditor != 'undefined' ) {
//jQuery.readyWait++; //should block editor
// Execute on load
$j( function() {
// To add a booklet section:
$j( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
'sections': {
'texts': {
Gurgadas 48:
if ( 0 && typeof $j != 'undefined' && window.wgWikiEditorEnabledModules && wgWikiEditorEnabledModules.toolbar ) {
addOnloadHook( function() {
$j( '#wpTextbox1' ).bind( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-buildSection-texts', function( event, section ) {
section.pages = {
'titles': {
Gurgadas 77:
// To add a page to an existing booklet section
$j( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
'section': 'info',
Gurgadas 111:
$j( '#wpTextbox1' ).bind( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-buildSection-main', function( event, section ) {
//if ( !( 'sv' in ) ) {
// There's already a bold F icon for German, use that one