Erohusat artihkkala «Jasuž» veršuvnnaid gaskkas

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[[Fiila:Yasuj airport.jpg|thumb|250px|right|[[Jasuža girdišillju]]]]
'''Jasuž''' ({{g-fa|ياسوج}}}} ''Jāsūž'', {{g-luz|یاسووج}} ''Jasuc'' dahje یاسیچ ''Jasyç'')) lea gávpot [[Iran]]as ja [[Kohgilujeh ja Bojer-Ahmada provinsa|Kohgilujeh ja Bojer-Ahmada provinssa]] oaivegávpot.<ref name="IranStatYearbook1391-Ch1">{{Neahttagáldu | čujuhus=| namma = Iran Statistical Yearbook 1391 (2012–2013)|čujuhuvvon = 28.6.2020 | giella={{en}}}}</ref><ref name="statoids">{{Neahttagáldu | čujuhus=| namma = Provinces of Iran| čálli= | beaivemearri= | olgosaddi = Statoids | čujuhuvvon = 27.6.2020 | giella={{en}}}}</ref> Jagi 2016 álbmotlohkama mielde provinssas orrot 713&nbsp;052 olbmo.<ref name="citypop-provinssat">{{Neahttagáldu | čujuhus= | namma= IRAN: Provinces | čálli= Brinkhoff, Thomas | olggosaddi= | čujuhuvvon= 27.6.2020 | giella={{en}}}}</ref><ref name="IranStatYearbook1390-20112012">{{Neahttagáldu | čujuhus=| namma = Iran Statistical Yearbook 1390 (2011–2012)|olgosaddi = Statistical Centre of Iran (via | čujuhuvvon = 30.6.2020 | giella={{en}}}}</ref>
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