Erohusat prošeaktasiiddu «Gáffestohpu» veršuvnnaid gaskkas

Sisdoallu sihkkojuvvon Sisdoallu lasihuvvon
Jeblad (ságastallan | rievdadusat)
u r2.7.3) (robot Lägger till: ba, ne Tar bort: cv, fa, gl, hu, it, mzn, sah, sk, sr, sv, tl, tr, uz, zea Ändrar: ia
Gurgadas 116:
:Hei! Sivva lea dat, ahte lea dárogiel Wikipedia geavaha eŋgelasgiela «File» dahje «Image» jorgalussan «Fil» dahje «Bilde», ja sámegiel Wikipedia fas «Fiila» ja ''galggašii'' maid «Govva», sáhtán muitalit das [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad]]ii, son máhttá dakkár áššiid hui bures (muhto ii máhte ieš sámegiela). Dat lea nu, ahte kopieret dárogiel wp:s seammaládje go leat dahkan, muhto bijat «Fil»/«Bilde» sadjái «Fiila» (dahje «File»/«Image», eŋgelas sánit mannet čađa buot giellaveršuvnnain). De galggašedje govat boahtit oidnosii. Muđui, du vuollaičállagii šattai fas «kipsi», sáhtát geahččat [[Erenoamáš:Válljemat]], de oainnát «Vuolláičálus», de sáhtát geahččat «Nammamearka» sáni balddas lea go doppe «kipsi», dahje juoga eará. Jus lea juoga, de váldde eret ''buot'' sisdoalu das (ja váldde ruossa eret «Oktageardán vuolláičálus liŋkka haga»-ruvttus, jus das lea dus ruossa). De boahtá dus oidnosii vuođđovuolláičálus, mii lea dákkár, dego mus dál («Gálaniitoluodda» sadjái boahtá dus «Kirpal4»): [[Geavaheaddji:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]]) 14:40, 3 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
== Meroštallan nalta- ja mininalta-málliid geavahanvuogis ==
Mii fertešeimmet oažžut konsensusa das, ahte man guhkes/oanehis artihkkaliin galggášii daid málliid geavahit. Kánske vuollel 20 sáni artihkkalat leat "mininalttat" ja 20-100 sáni artihkkalat leat nalttat.
== Jienasteamit admin-vuoigatvuođai eretváldimis ==
Bidjen daid geavaheddjiid birra moadde sáni Metai, jáhkán manná bures. :-) [[Geavaheaddji:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]]) 14:57, 5 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
{{dahkkon}}, okta steward dagai dan. [[Geavaheaddji:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]]) 15:32, 5 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
== Geavaheaddjevuoigatvuođaid sámegiel namahusat ==
[[Geavaheaddji:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]]) 06:47, 14 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
== Upcoming software changes - please report any problems ==
<div dir=ltr>
''(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)''
All Wikimedia wikis - including this one - will soon be upgraded with new and possibly disruptive code. This process starts today and finishes on October 24 (see the [[mw:MediaWiki_1.21/Roadmap|upgrade schedule]] & [[mw:MediaWiki 1.21/wmf2|code details]]).
Please watch for problems with:
* revision diffs
* templates
* CSS and JavaScript pages (like user scripts)
* bots
* PDF export
* images, video, and sound, especially scaling sizes
* the CologneBlue skin
If you notice any problems, please [[mw:How to report a bug|report problems]] at [[mw:Bugzilla|our defect tracker site]]. You can test for possible problems at [] and [], which have already been updated.
Thanks! With your help we can find problems fast and get them fixed faster.
[[mw:User:Sharihareswara (WMF)|Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Engineering Community Manager]] ([[mw:User talk:Sharihareswara (WMF)|talk]]) 03:11, 16 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
P.S.: For the regular, smaller MediaWiki updates every two weeks, please [[mw:MediaWiki_1.21/Roadmap|watch this schedule]].
<small>Distributed via [[m:Global message delivery|Global message delivery]]. (Wrong page? [[m:Distribution list/Global message delivery|Fix here]].)</small>
<!-- EdwardsBot 0278 -->
== Fundraising localization: volunteers from outside the USA needed ==
''Please translate for your local community''
Hello All,
The Wikimedia Foundation's Fundraising team have begun our 'User Experience' project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages. I am searching for volunteers to spend 30 minutes on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.
The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real-time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. ''All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed'' (and they will be low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)
By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. Please sing up and help us with our 'User Experience' project! :)
If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email All countries needed (excepting USA)!
Thanks!<br />
[[wmf:User:Ppena|Pats Pena]]<br />
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
Sent using [[m:Global message delivery|Global message delivery]], 17:17, 17 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
<!-- EdwardsBot 0280 -->
== Wikidata og samiske termer ==
Et av de viktigste prosjektene som pågår nå i Wikimedia-paraplyen er [[m:Wikidata]]. Dette prosjektet er et fellesprosjekt som vil gjøre det mulig å dele data mellom prosjektene omtrent som det nå skjer med bilder via [[Commons:|Commons]]. Prosjektet er avhengig av at begrepsapparatet, og systemmeldinger, blir korrekt oversatt. Aktiviteten har vært stor og svært mye er allerede oversatt, men så langt er veldig lite oversatt (ikke noe) oversatt til samisk. Er det noen som vil hjelpe meg med å få på plass det viktigste? Det første som må oversettes er en liten ordbok med tekniske begreper. Det viktigste er at ordene i fet skrift blir oversatt til gode og lettforståelige samiske ord. Etter at vi er enige om disse ordene kan teksten på Meta ([[m:Wikidata/Glossary]]) og meldingsgruppene på Translatewiki ([ ext-wikibase-repo], [ ext-wikibase-client], [ ext-wikibase-lib]) oversettes. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 21:07, 22 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
Ooops, i tillegg til ordene i denne lista må vi også finne frem til oversettelser for ''property'' og ''query''. Jeg skal oppdatere den offisielle lista i morgen! :)
; [[m:Wikidata/Glossary|Ordbok]]
:''Dette er den engelske teksten som er den «offisielle» versjonen av ordboka''.
* {{anchor|Wikidata}} '''Wikidata''' is a new website that will be launched during the [[#Initial Wikidata development|initial Wikidata development]]. It will run an instance of [[#MediaWiki|MediaWiki]] with the [[#Wikibase extensions|Wikibase extensions]] that will allow [[#Wikidata editors|Wikidata editors]] to enter and browse the [[#Page|pages]] in Wikidata.
* {{anchor|Wikibase extensions}} '''Wikibase''' is the software behind Wikidata. It consists of three MediaWiki extensions: Wikibase, Wikibase client, and WikibaseLib. The '''Wikibase extension''' (for the Wikidata server, often called just ''repo'') allows a MediaWiki installation to collect and maintain structured data and will be used on the Wikidata website. The '''Wikibase client extension''' (often called just ''client'') enables MediaWiki installations to query and display data from a Wikidata server on its own pages, and will be deployed on Wikipedias in different languages, and probably on other sites. The '''WikibaseLib extension''' has common libraries for both of the major extensions.
* {{anchor|Wikidata editors}} '''Wikidata editors''' are users of Wikidata who create and collaboratively maintain its content. Together, they are part of the Wikidata community.
* {{anchor|Initial Wikidata development}} '''Initial Wikidata development''' refers to the work that will be done by the initial Wikidata development team—described in the [[m:Wikidata/Technical proposal|technical proposal]]—in the April 2012 to March 2013 timeframe.
* {{anchor|Page}} '''Page''' means a page or {{anchor|article}}'''article''' in the main space of a wiki. In Wikidata there will be pages in different namespaces (just as in the Wikipedias). Pages in the main namespace of Wikidata will be about [[#Item|items]].
* {{anchor|Entity}} '''Entity''' (also called ''topic'', ''thing'', or ''subject'') is the real-life subject (or abstract concept) a [[#Page|page]] in Wikipedia is about. This thing is not the description itself, or the page—it is the concept the article describes. For now there are three different types of entities: [[#Item|items]], [[#Property|properties]], and [[#Query|queries]].
* {{anchor|Item}} '''Item''' (also called ''topic'', ''thing'', ''entity'', or ''lemma'') is what a [[#Page|page]] in Wikidata is about. An item is identified by its label and description (see [[m:Wikidata/Notes/Data model|Data model]]) and by the Wikipedia articles linked to the page.
* {{anchor|Statement}} '''Statement''' (also called ''fact'', ''claim'', or ''triple'', even though these are not completely correct) is one piece of data about an [[#Item|item]], recorded on one [[#Page|page]]. In the simplest case, a statement is just a "property: value" pair (for example, "Location: Germany"), but often statements can have further qualifiers (such as temporal qualifiers). See [[m:Wikidata/Notes/Data model|Data model]]. Wikidata makes no assumptions about the correctness of statements, but merely collects and reports them with a [[#Reference|reference]] to a source.
* {{anchor|Claim}} '''Claim''' (also called ''fact'' or ''statement'', although this is not entirely correct) is the part of a [[#Statement|statement]] without the [[#Reference|references]].
* {{anchor|Reference}} '''Reference''' (or ''source'') describes the origin of a [[#Statement|statement]] in [[#Wikidata|Wikidata]]. A source is often an [[#Item|item]] in its own right; for example, a book. Wikidata does not aim to answer the question of whether a statement is correct, but merely whether the statement appears in a reference. What constitutes valid references is expected to be a question of debate among the ''[[#Wikidata editors|Wikidata editors]]''.
* {{anchor|Data}}{{anchor|Metadata}} '''Data''' and '''Metadata''': In Wikidata, '''data''' is the collection of all [[#Statement|statements]] and their [[#Reference|references]]—in general, everything entered by the [[#Wikidata editors|Wikidata editors]] into Wikidata. In contrast, '''metadata''' is all of the data that Wikidata either records about this, or that is embedded in the software and cannot be changed by the editors, e.g. the edit history of a [[#Page|page]], the Wikidata editor who has entered a statement or given a reference.
* {{anchor|Export}} '''Export''' refers to the way [[#Data|data]] and [[#Metadata|metadata]] from Wikidata are made available for further consumption. The intention is to make machine-readable exports of the data available in widely used formats such as [[#JSON|JSON]] or [[#RDF/XML|RDF/XML]].
* {{anchor|languageattribute}} '''Language attributes''' are the language-specific {{anchor|languageattribute-label}}'''labels''' and {{anchor|languageattribute-description}}'''descriptions''' that are attached to [[#Item|items]] or more generally to [[#Entity|entities]]. These are human-readable text to improve understanding of the scope of the item; i.e. the specific type of entity.
* {{anchor|sitelinks}} '''Site links''' are special links that contain a {{anchor|sitelinks-site}}'''site''' and a {{anchor|sitelinks-title}}'''title''', and go from individual [[#Item|items]] in Wikidata to pages on other sites such as Wikipedia. They are used both for identifying an item from an external site, and as a replacement for interlanguage links. Site links can have attached {{anchor|sitelinks-badge}}'''badges''' and will usually show that a page has been a ''featured article'', or of similar status.
Skal det settes opp importkilder slik at [[Erenoam%C3%A1%C5%A1:Sisafievrrit]] fungerer? Foreslår at det settes opp for engelsk, norsk (bokmål), norsk (nynorsk), svensk og finsk. Det bør vel være de mest aktuelle. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 14:56, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
:Tror det er bra. (Det er kanskje bedre og diskutere her.) Skulle de velgte artiklene bli øyeblikkelig importert eller kan man redigere dem i importsiden før man importerer dem til samisk wikipedia? [[File:Kautokeino komm.svg|20px]] '''[[User:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]]''' ([[User talk:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]] • [[Special:Contribs/Gálaniitoluodda|rievdadusat]]) 19:13, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
::Redigering må tas etter at importen er gjort. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 20:35, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
:::Ja vel. Kan du nå "bestille" importkildene fra Bugzilla, eller trenger vi kommentarer fra Trondtr (og noen andre?)? [[File:Kautokeino komm.svg|20px]] '''[[User:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]]''' ([[User talk:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]] • [[Special:Contribs/Gálaniitoluodda|rievdadusat]]) 20:51, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
::::Jeg tror det er nødvendig at det noen av de sentrale brukerne sier at de ønsker dette, men det er vel ikke så mange flere her inne&hellip; Det er registrert en bug, [ Bug 43411] - New import sources for sewiki. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 22:59, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
:::::Skjer det noe utenfor [[Erenoamáš:Sisafievrrit]] hvis kildene blir tatt i bruk? [[File:Kautokeino komm.svg|20px]] '''[[User:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]]''' ([[User talk:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]] • [[Special:Contribs/Gálaniitoluodda|rievdadusat]]) 13:19, 26 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
::::::Det blir listet noen wikier som lovlige importkilder, noe mer enn det skjer ikke. De som skal ha lov til å importere fra de aktuelle kildene må gis lov til dette, det blir gjort via [[Special:userrights|spesialsiden for brukerrettigheter]]. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 19:37, 26 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
Gurgadas 126⟶ 226:
[[az:Vikipediya:Kənd meydanı]]
Gurgadas 145⟶ 246:
[[cu:Википєдїꙗ:Обьщєниꙗ съвѣтъ]]
[[cy:Wicipedia:Y Caffi]]
Gurgadas 156⟶ 256:
[[et:Vikipeedia:Üldine arutelu]]
Gurgadas 167⟶ 266:
[[ga:Vicipéid:Halla baile]]
[[gd:Uicipeid:Talla a' Bhaile]]
[[gl:Wikipedia:A Taberna]]
[[got:Wikipedia:𐌱𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌲𐍃 𐌲𐌰𐍅𐌹]]
Gurgadas 176⟶ 274:
[[ia:Wikipedia:Taverna 20122013]]
[[id:Wikipedia:Warung Kopi]]
Gurgadas 217⟶ 313:
[[ms:Wikipedia:Kedai Kopi]]
Gurgadas 223⟶ 318:
[[nds:Wikipedia:Ik bruuk Hülp]]
[[nl:Wikipedia:De kroeg]]
Gurgadas 241⟶ 337:
[[sah:Бикипиэдьийэ:Кэпсэтэр сир]]
Gurgadas 249⟶ 344:
[[si:විකිපීඩියා:කෝපි කඩේ]]
[[simple:Wikipedia:Simple talk]]
[[sl:Wikipedija:Pod lipo]]
[[sm:Wikipedia:Puso o le ʻaʻai]]
[[sn:Wikipedia:Community Portal]]
[[srn:Wikipedia:Singi nanga Spoto Uku]]
[[ss:Wikipedia:Likhefi leinthanethi]]
Gurgadas 265⟶ 357:
[[tr:Vikipedi:Köy çeşmesi]]
[[tum:Wikipedia:Community Portal]]
[[tw:Wikipedia:Community Portal]]
[[ur:منصوبہ:دیوان عام]]
[[uz:Vikipediya:Joriy Hodisalar]]
[[vi:Wikipedia:Thảo luận]]
Gurgadas 281⟶ 370:
[[yi:װיקיפּעדיע:קאווע שטיבל]]
[[yo:Wikipedia:Abẹ́ igi]]
== Meroštallan nalta- ja mininalta-málliid geavahanvuogis ==
Mii fertešeimmet oažžut konsensusa das, ahte man guhkes/oanehis artihkkaliin galggášii daid málliid geavahit. Kánske vuollel 20 sáni artihkkalat leat "mininalttat" ja 20-100 sáni artihkkalat leat nalttat.
== Jienasteamit admin-vuoigatvuođai eretváldimis ==
Bidjen daid geavaheddjiid birra moadde sáni Metai, jáhkán manná bures. :-) [[Geavaheaddji:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]]) 14:57, 5 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
{{dahkkon}}, okta steward dagai dan. [[Geavaheaddji:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]]) 15:32, 5 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
== Geavaheaddjevuoigatvuođaid sámegiel namahusat ==
[[Geavaheaddji:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]]) 06:47, 14 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
== Upcoming software changes - please report any problems ==
<div dir=ltr>
''(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)''
All Wikimedia wikis - including this one - will soon be upgraded with new and possibly disruptive code. This process starts today and finishes on October 24 (see the [[mw:MediaWiki_1.21/Roadmap|upgrade schedule]] & [[mw:MediaWiki 1.21/wmf2|code details]]).
Please watch for problems with:
* revision diffs
* templates
* CSS and JavaScript pages (like user scripts)
* bots
* PDF export
* images, video, and sound, especially scaling sizes
* the CologneBlue skin
If you notice any problems, please [[mw:How to report a bug|report problems]] at [[mw:Bugzilla|our defect tracker site]]. You can test for possible problems at [] and [], which have already been updated.
Thanks! With your help we can find problems fast and get them fixed faster.
[[mw:User:Sharihareswara (WMF)|Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Engineering Community Manager]] ([[mw:User talk:Sharihareswara (WMF)|talk]]) 03:11, 16 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
P.S.: For the regular, smaller MediaWiki updates every two weeks, please [[mw:MediaWiki_1.21/Roadmap|watch this schedule]].
<small>Distributed via [[m:Global message delivery|Global message delivery]]. (Wrong page? [[m:Distribution list/Global message delivery|Fix here]].)</small>
<!-- EdwardsBot 0278 -->
== Fundraising localization: volunteers from outside the USA needed ==
''Please translate for your local community''
Hello All,
The Wikimedia Foundation's Fundraising team have begun our 'User Experience' project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages. I am searching for volunteers to spend 30 minutes on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.
The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real-time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. ''All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed'' (and they will be low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)
By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. Please sing up and help us with our 'User Experience' project! :)
If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email All countries needed (excepting USA)!
Thanks!<br />
[[wmf:User:Ppena|Pats Pena]]<br />
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
Sent using [[m:Global message delivery|Global message delivery]], 17:17, 17 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
<!-- EdwardsBot 0280 -->
== Wikidata og samiske termer ==
Et av de viktigste prosjektene som pågår nå i Wikimedia-paraplyen er [[m:Wikidata]]. Dette prosjektet er et fellesprosjekt som vil gjøre det mulig å dele data mellom prosjektene omtrent som det nå skjer med bilder via [[Commons:|Commons]]. Prosjektet er avhengig av at begrepsapparatet, og systemmeldinger, blir korrekt oversatt. Aktiviteten har vært stor og svært mye er allerede oversatt, men så langt er veldig lite oversatt (ikke noe) oversatt til samisk. Er det noen som vil hjelpe meg med å få på plass det viktigste? Det første som må oversettes er en liten ordbok med tekniske begreper. Det viktigste er at ordene i fet skrift blir oversatt til gode og lettforståelige samiske ord. Etter at vi er enige om disse ordene kan teksten på Meta ([[m:Wikidata/Glossary]]) og meldingsgruppene på Translatewiki ([ ext-wikibase-repo], [ ext-wikibase-client], [ ext-wikibase-lib]) oversettes. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 21:07, 22 golggotmánnu 2012 (UTC)
Ooops, i tillegg til ordene i denne lista må vi også finne frem til oversettelser for ''property'' og ''query''. Jeg skal oppdatere den offisielle lista i morgen! :)
; [[m:Wikidata/Glossary|Ordbok]]
:''Dette er den engelske teksten som er den «offisielle» versjonen av ordboka''.
* {{anchor|Wikidata}} '''Wikidata''' is a new website that will be launched during the [[#Initial Wikidata development|initial Wikidata development]]. It will run an instance of [[#MediaWiki|MediaWiki]] with the [[#Wikibase extensions|Wikibase extensions]] that will allow [[#Wikidata editors|Wikidata editors]] to enter and browse the [[#Page|pages]] in Wikidata.
* {{anchor|Wikibase extensions}} '''Wikibase''' is the software behind Wikidata. It consists of three MediaWiki extensions: Wikibase, Wikibase client, and WikibaseLib. The '''Wikibase extension''' (for the Wikidata server, often called just ''repo'') allows a MediaWiki installation to collect and maintain structured data and will be used on the Wikidata website. The '''Wikibase client extension''' (often called just ''client'') enables MediaWiki installations to query and display data from a Wikidata server on its own pages, and will be deployed on Wikipedias in different languages, and probably on other sites. The '''WikibaseLib extension''' has common libraries for both of the major extensions.
* {{anchor|Wikidata editors}} '''Wikidata editors''' are users of Wikidata who create and collaboratively maintain its content. Together, they are part of the Wikidata community.
* {{anchor|Initial Wikidata development}} '''Initial Wikidata development''' refers to the work that will be done by the initial Wikidata development team—described in the [[m:Wikidata/Technical proposal|technical proposal]]—in the April 2012 to March 2013 timeframe.
* {{anchor|Page}} '''Page''' means a page or {{anchor|article}}'''article''' in the main space of a wiki. In Wikidata there will be pages in different namespaces (just as in the Wikipedias). Pages in the main namespace of Wikidata will be about [[#Item|items]].
* {{anchor|Entity}} '''Entity''' (also called ''topic'', ''thing'', or ''subject'') is the real-life subject (or abstract concept) a [[#Page|page]] in Wikipedia is about. This thing is not the description itself, or the page—it is the concept the article describes. For now there are three different types of entities: [[#Item|items]], [[#Property|properties]], and [[#Query|queries]].
* {{anchor|Item}} '''Item''' (also called ''topic'', ''thing'', ''entity'', or ''lemma'') is what a [[#Page|page]] in Wikidata is about. An item is identified by its label and description (see [[m:Wikidata/Notes/Data model|Data model]]) and by the Wikipedia articles linked to the page.
* {{anchor|Statement}} '''Statement''' (also called ''fact'', ''claim'', or ''triple'', even though these are not completely correct) is one piece of data about an [[#Item|item]], recorded on one [[#Page|page]]. In the simplest case, a statement is just a "property: value" pair (for example, "Location: Germany"), but often statements can have further qualifiers (such as temporal qualifiers). See [[m:Wikidata/Notes/Data model|Data model]]. Wikidata makes no assumptions about the correctness of statements, but merely collects and reports them with a [[#Reference|reference]] to a source.
* {{anchor|Claim}} '''Claim''' (also called ''fact'' or ''statement'', although this is not entirely correct) is the part of a [[#Statement|statement]] without the [[#Reference|references]].
* {{anchor|Reference}} '''Reference''' (or ''source'') describes the origin of a [[#Statement|statement]] in [[#Wikidata|Wikidata]]. A source is often an [[#Item|item]] in its own right; for example, a book. Wikidata does not aim to answer the question of whether a statement is correct, but merely whether the statement appears in a reference. What constitutes valid references is expected to be a question of debate among the ''[[#Wikidata editors|Wikidata editors]]''.
* {{anchor|Data}}{{anchor|Metadata}} '''Data''' and '''Metadata''': In Wikidata, '''data''' is the collection of all [[#Statement|statements]] and their [[#Reference|references]]—in general, everything entered by the [[#Wikidata editors|Wikidata editors]] into Wikidata. In contrast, '''metadata''' is all of the data that Wikidata either records about this, or that is embedded in the software and cannot be changed by the editors, e.g. the edit history of a [[#Page|page]], the Wikidata editor who has entered a statement or given a reference.
* {{anchor|Export}} '''Export''' refers to the way [[#Data|data]] and [[#Metadata|metadata]] from Wikidata are made available for further consumption. The intention is to make machine-readable exports of the data available in widely used formats such as [[#JSON|JSON]] or [[#RDF/XML|RDF/XML]].
* {{anchor|languageattribute}} '''Language attributes''' are the language-specific {{anchor|languageattribute-label}}'''labels''' and {{anchor|languageattribute-description}}'''descriptions''' that are attached to [[#Item|items]] or more generally to [[#Entity|entities]]. These are human-readable text to improve understanding of the scope of the item; i.e. the specific type of entity.
* {{anchor|sitelinks}} '''Site links''' are special links that contain a {{anchor|sitelinks-site}}'''site''' and a {{anchor|sitelinks-title}}'''title''', and go from individual [[#Item|items]] in Wikidata to pages on other sites such as Wikipedia. They are used both for identifying an item from an external site, and as a replacement for interlanguage links. Site links can have attached {{anchor|sitelinks-badge}}'''badges''' and will usually show that a page has been a ''featured article'', or of similar status.
Skal det settes opp importkilder slik at [[Erenoam%C3%A1%C5%A1:Sisafievrrit]] fungerer? Foreslår at det settes opp for engelsk, norsk (bokmål), norsk (nynorsk), svensk og finsk. Det bør vel være de mest aktuelle. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 14:56, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
:Tror det er bra. (Det er kanskje bedre og diskutere her.) Skulle de velgte artiklene bli øyeblikkelig importert eller kan man redigere dem i importsiden før man importerer dem til samisk wikipedia? [[File:Kautokeino komm.svg|20px]] '''[[User:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]]''' ([[User talk:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]] • [[Special:Contribs/Gálaniitoluodda|rievdadusat]]) 19:13, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
::Redigering må tas etter at importen er gjort. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 20:35, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
:::Ja vel. Kan du nå "bestille" importkildene fra Bugzilla, eller trenger vi kommentarer fra Trondtr (og noen andre?)? [[File:Kautokeino komm.svg|20px]] '''[[User:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]]''' ([[User talk:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]] • [[Special:Contribs/Gálaniitoluodda|rievdadusat]]) 20:51, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
::::Jeg tror det er nødvendig at det noen av de sentrale brukerne sier at de ønsker dette, men det er vel ikke så mange flere her inne&hellip; Det er registrert en bug, [ Bug 43411] - New import sources for sewiki. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 22:59, 25 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
:::::Skjer det noe utenfor [[Erenoamáš:Sisafievrrit]] hvis kildene blir tatt i bruk? [[File:Kautokeino komm.svg|20px]] '''[[User:Gálaniitoluodda|Gálaniitoluodda]]''' ([[User talk:Gálaniitoluodda|ságastallan]] • [[Special:Contribs/Gálaniitoluodda|rievdadusat]]) 13:19, 26 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)
::::::Det blir listet noen wikier som lovlige importkilder, noe mer enn det skjer ikke. De som skal ha lov til å importere fra de aktuelle kildene må gis lov til dette, det blir gjort via [[Special:userrights|spesialsiden for brukerrettigheter]]. [[Geavaheaddji:Jeblad|Jeblad]] ([[Geavaheaddjeságastallan:Jeblad|ságastallan]]) 19:37, 26 juovlamánnu 2012 (UTC)