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Mearkkat: (dál) = erohus dálá veršuvdnii, (maŋimus) = erohus ovddit veršuvdnii, u = unna rievdadusaš

(Ođđaseamos | Boarraseamos) Geahča (ođđaset 50) () (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

cuoŋománnu 19 b. 2023

  • dálmaŋimus 22.49cuoŋománnu 19 b. 2023 dii. 22.49Yupik ságastallan rievdadusatu 233 stávvala 0 Beskyttet «Israel» ([Rievdadeapmi=Eastte anonyma ja ođđa geavaheddjiid] (ubestemt) [Sirdin=Eastte anonyma ja ođđa geavaheddjiid] (ubestemt))
  • dálmaŋimus 13.50cuoŋománnu 19 b. 2023 dii. 13.50Blua lago ságastallan rievdadusat 233 stávvala −11 119 Artihkkala «Israel» sisdoallu váldojuvvui eret ja ođđa sisdoallu šattai «{{SDG}} mini|olgeš '''Israel''' dahjege Israela stáhta lea riika Gaska-nuorttis Ásias. == Geahča maid == * Máilmme riikkat {{Ásia}} {{Mininalta}} » Gilkorat: Erstattet Manuell tilbakestilling
  • dálmaŋimus 13.50cuoŋománnu 19 b. 2023 dii. 13.50Tehvl ságastallan rievdadusat 11 352 stávvala +5 583 Islam is a major religion in Palestine, being the religion of the majority of the Palestinian population. Muslims comprise 85% of the population of the West Bank, when including Israeli settlers,[1] and 99% of the population of the Gaza Strip.[2] The largest denomination among Palestinian Muslims are Sunnis, compromising 98-99% of the total Muslim population. Palestine underwent many demographic upheavals throughout history. By the 4th century, the Jews, who had formerly constituted a majority… Gilkorat: Máhcahuvvon Rievdaduvvon mobiillain Webdivodeapmi mátketelefuvnnain
  • dálmaŋimus 13.49cuoŋománnu 19 b. 2023 dii. 13.49Tehvl ságastallan rievdadusat 5 769 stávvala +5 536 Islam is a major religion in Palestine, being the religion of the majority of the Palestinian population. Muslims comprise 85% of the population of the West Bank, when including Israeli settlers,[1] and 99% of the population of the Gaza Strip.[2] The largest denomination among Palestinian Muslims are Sunnis, compromising 98-99% of the total Muslim population. Palestine underwent many demographic upheavals throughout history. By the 4th century, the Jews, who had formerly constituted a majority… Gilkorat: Máhcahuvvon Rievdaduvvon mobiillain Webdivodeapmi mátketelefuvnnain

miessemánnu 25 b. 2022

njukčamánnu 29 b. 2015

njukčamánnu 13 b. 2014

čakčamánnu 29 b. 2013

njukčamánnu 7 b. 2013

guovvamánnu 20 b. 2013

guovvamánnu 11 b. 2013

ođđajagimánnu 27 b. 2013

ođđajagimánnu 11 b. 2013

ođđajagimánnu 1 b. 2013

skábmamánnu 13 b. 2012

golggotmánnu 20 b. 2012

golggotmánnu 10 b. 2012

golggotmánnu 9 b. 2012

čakčamánnu 16 b. 2012

suoidnemánnu 22 b. 2012

suoidnemánnu 7 b. 2012

geassemánnu 4 b. 2012

geassemánnu 1 b. 2012

miessemánnu 25 b. 2012

miessemánnu 8 b. 2012

njukčamánnu 31 b. 2012

njukčamánnu 28 b. 2012

njukčamánnu 14 b. 2012

guovvamánnu 4 b. 2012

guovvamánnu 1 b. 2012

ođđajagimánnu 31 b. 2012

ođđajagimánnu 25 b. 2012

ođđajagimánnu 17 b. 2012

juovlamánnu 31 b. 2011

skábmamánnu 22 b. 2011

skábmamánnu 18 b. 2011

skábmamánnu 2 b. 2011

borgemánnu 27 b. 2011

suoidnemánnu 10 b. 2011

geassemánnu 16 b. 2011

geassemánnu 3 b. 2011

miessemánnu 25 b. 2011

miessemánnu 21 b. 2011

miessemánnu 16 b. 2011

miessemánnu 6 b. 2011

(Ođđaseamos | Boarraseamos) Geahča (ođđaset 50) () (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
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